Welcome Author Kerry Freeman! She's here today to talk about her new book, What We Deserve, and more importantly the geeks in her book...
I <3 Geeks
First of all, geeks tend to be an accepting lot. Maybe it’s because we’re used to being the outsiders and therefore don’t want to alienate anyone else. Maybe we tend to not let preconceived notions about groups of people influence how we treat them. As my husband says, we open ourselves up to the possibility that everyone has something to offer.
I <3 Geeks
I love geeks. I am one. I married one. I love to read about them and blog about them. What is so special about geeks?

Secondly, we’re fun. Really, we are! :) You can be a geek about anything. Video games. Computers. Art. Wine. Gay porn. Okay, maybe the last one is just me. Still, geeks are an interesting lot... and we can find the best porn online. Okay, again, maybe only me.
Finally, geeks guys are really sexy. They’re funny, they’re unassuming, and they’re not egotistical (at least until they make their first million). Give me a tall, glasses-wearing, smartass computer programmer, and I’ll give you a great romantic lead. Or two, like Sean and Tyler in What We Deserve.
Who are some other sexy geeks? I’m glad you asked :)
I’d explain who this is, but, come on, you already know, right?
Another sexy geek is actor Zachary Levi from Chuck. He’s so handsome and funny *sigh*
Want to see a couple of sexy professional geeks? Of course you do!
When I started writing, I wondered which genre made me the most excited
to put words to paper. Okay, words to Google Docs, but that doesn’t sound as
I quickly discovered that I enjoyed writing
contemporary romance set in the South. Born and raised and still living in the
South, I love writing about the small towns and big cities and the people who
call them home.
Then I wrote my first gay romance, and the final piece
Two men finding their way through the world to each
other, despite everything that tries to keep them apart…that’s the story I want
to write.
I live in Alabama
with my husband and two socially-awkward dogs. A tomboy and a geek from way
back, I have a day job but dream that I will one day write full time. I have a
weakness for yaoi, Japanese stationery, YA, and Adele. I own an impressive
t-shirt collection. Nowaki & Hiroki are my homeboys.
Website - http://kerryfreeman.com/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/kfwritesbooks
I loved your book. It's one of those that stays with you after you've read it. Will be keeping my eye out for your next release.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the post; I've discovered some hot, geeky guys who I need to check out.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
I heart your geeks too! I so bought this book but havent had the chance to read it yet! I guess it just moved up the TBR pile!!!