Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Reading Friday

Holy cow! I've been so unproductive lately! Since my son is done with football and I have a few spare minutes in the evenings it has made my insanely lazy. I feel like I've been reading the same book for weeks. Heaven knows I have plenty to be reading. In fact here is my fall reading list.....

*Rogue Rider by Larissa Ione. Is is Decemeber yet??

*  Second Grave on the Right, Third Grave Dead Ahead and Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones. I got did that happen??? I'll blame Jenn lol:)

* How To Drive a Dragon Crazy by GA Aiken. did I miss this on release day??I'll blame Tyra lol:)

My goal is to have these read before December. Here in a couple of weeks I will be out of service for 4-6 weeks with surgery. In addition to these books I'm going to read the Percy Jackson series. They are my daughters favorite and I have to see for myself what has her so captivatived. So watch for the reviews of these books. All are sure to be a hit! In the event you don't hear from me next week Jenn and Tyra threw me under a bus for blaming them for my lack of reading LOL (bury my in cool shoes)


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