From the moment he lays eyes on the Sinners' new soundboard operator, drummer Eric Sticks knows he has
to make Rebekah his. Unfortunately, she's too busy trying to seduce guitarist Trey Mills to pay him much attention.
Rebekah never planned to fall for the tall, goofy drummer with the weird sense of humor and a heart the size of the galaxy. But Eric makes her laugh and his constant attention makes her feel sexy and irresistible—exactly what she needs after the things her last lover said to her. A woman who gives as much as she takes, Rebekah makes Eric feel like a total stud—exactly what he needs after surviving a decade of watching the incredibly talented members of the Sinners from the wings.
I have loved Eric from the very beginning of the series. His quirkiness and sense of humor adds to the rock star appeal though I'd wondered what type of woman would capture him. His story doesn't disappoint. Reb fits with him so smoothly, their love is inevitable and incredibly sweet in their most unorthodox way.
There are melt-your-heart and melt-your-panties moments in this book. The narrator uses expression to bring across the intended feeling in each scene. She has nailed this series - her voice adds to the story instead of overpowering or distracting it. The author and narrator are the perfect combination, just like Eric and Reb.
Just one more band member to fall... I'm off to listen to the next book!

5 Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
5 Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
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Heh, nice use of the guitar in the book cover. :D