Seasons greetings and literary tidings to all our Ndulgent Blog readers. It's the most wonderful time of the celebrate with family, friends and fellow book lovers galore! We have enjoyed another year of fabulous reads and hope you will all join us for our SIXTH annual Happy Hunky-days! Twelve fun filled days of Christmas where we treat you with gifts of joy and happiness (aka free books and very yummy eye candy!). All good readers who jump over to our Hunky Days Page will get a chance to win a Kindle Fire! Seriously, you can even be quite naughty and still get treats from us to you - just remember to enter to win!
Thank you for hosting me again! I always
enjoy visiting Guilty Indulgence. If any your readers have had the joy of
reading my Naughty
North Pole books, than they are familiar with all three
of the characters in this short story—Santa, Ms. Claus, and Jack Frost. Ever
wonder who cooks the turkey in the North Pole on Thanksgiving? Well enjoy the
story then enter to win your choice of one Naughty
North Pole book!
“Can you please do this for me, Jack?”
I let out a forced sigh and relented.
“Fine, I’ll play nice, but if my sister starts dancing naked around the table,
that’s on you.”
“Do you think she’ll do that?”
I eyed my partner, my boyfriend, the love
of my life—whatever the fuck you wanted to call him. Most people call him Santa
Claus but I call him Nicky. “Well, she is
Mother Nature, but don’t worry, the autumnal equinox already passed, so no. But
we’re not inviting her for Christmas.
You don’t wanna see the weird shit she does for Saturnalia.”
Nick chuckled, his face brightening. His
blond hair and Nordic features were a far cry from the fat Coca-Cola Santa the humans knew and loved. Despite being the source
of all things cold and wintery on the inside, I melted a little watching him
fuss about the kitchen for our first family Thanksgiving. I still couldn’t
believe we were really together, a couple,
rusticating up in the North Pole like a couple of newlyweds.
Hell, the whole supernatural world
couldn’t believe it.
Jack Frost and Santa Claus together at
I just hoped we’d still be on speaking
terms after our families piled around a table heaped with carbs and a dead bird
with even more carbs shoved up its ass. I glanced around the kitchen. Every pot
we owned was in use and Nick—totally in his element—whistled while he worked on
a meal he’d been planning for months.
“Are you whistling Here Comes Santa Claus?” I demanded when I recognized the tune.
A wicked grin slashed across his face,
and his blue eyes actually twinkled with mischief. “Just putting in a request
for later tonight after everyone leaves.” He gave me a quick kiss that lingered
just long enough to catch the attention of everything
below my waist.
Grinning and knowing full well what he
did to me, Nick went back to stirring some sort of sauce on the stove that
smelled delicious.
But not as delicious as he did.
Coming up behind him, I wrapped my arms
around his waist and fit my cock snug against his ass. I humped his sweet
bubble butt—the only thing round on the guy—and nibbled on his neck, inhaling
his familiar scent. “Here comes Santa Claus,” I promised, reaching down to give
his north pole a stroke.
Laughing, he squirmed out of my embrace and
pushed me away. He pointed at me with his spoon, smiling but serious. “No, you
behave. Just go chill the salad bowls for me, Mr. Frost.”
“I’d rather toss your salad.” I delivered
a hard smack on his ass and he yelped. Grinning because I knew he liked it, I
headed over to do as he asked. I never could say no to Nick.
“Oh, get a room,” a feminine voice
dripping with sarcasm groaned. Frieda, Nick’s twin sister, joined us in the
“Nah, I should fuck him right in the
kitchen. You know you wanna watch, Freaky Frieda,” I quipped.
The gorgeous blonde put both hands on
her curvy hips. “Eeew! He’s my brother.”
“But I’m not. You know you dream about
this.” I groped my dick, giving it a good rearranging in my jeans after Nick
got it halfway-to-hard with that delectable ass of his.
“You’re disgusting!”
I threw back my head and laughed. While
Nick was the ooey-gooey romantic type, his twin sis was all sharp wit with an
even sharper tongue. Though I gave her shit, I was crazy about her. She was cool,
nothing like my nuttier than fruitcake sister.
“Isn’t there an elf somewhere who should
be shoving his dick in that gaping hole you call a mouth?” I traced my finger
around the rims of the salad plates until they were chilled, but not frosted.
“Fuck you, Jack,” she said with no real
malice. She joined her brother at the stove and plucked a piece of stuffing
from a dish. “Mmm, this is good.”
“Would you two play nice?” Nick scolded.
“And use a spoon, at least, Frieda.”
She took another piece with her fingers.
“We are playing nice. Do you want us to pretend to be other people for this
stupid family Thanksgiving we all
know is gonna be a disaster?”
“It’s not stupid nor is it going to be a
disaster,” he countered and I wisely kept my mouth shut. “And yes, can you both
pretend to be civilized people?”
I met Frieda’s gaze and shrugged. “I
think I can do that for an hour. But if Thor starts talking about whacking
things with his hammer, you know I won’t be able to help myself. That guy makes
it too easy.”
Frieda snorted in disgust and tried to
steal more stuffing. Nick swatted at her hand with the spoon but she dodged it.
“I can’t stand Thor. Why did you have to invite him?”
“Because he’s family.” He scooped
stuffing into a bowl and handed it to her. “And you only hate Thor because
Grampa Odin lets him use the beach house in Tahiti whenever he wants and you
only get to use it if you’re being supervised.”
“It wasn’t my fault Jimmy Hoffa fell off
the yacht. There were a lot of cocktails involved,” she argued. “When is
everybody gonna let it go?”
“You fucked Jimmy Hoffa? You dirty
slut!” I exclaimed, accidentally freezing a plate in my shock. When the plate
cracked Nick threw up his hands in defeat.
“Really, Jack?” He ran a hand over his
face in a miserable gesture and I suddenly felt bad for teasing.
“I never fucked him. That was Kenna. She’s the dirty slut, not me,” Frieda
muttered under her breath. The way she stared at the floor and fidgeted told me
there was a lot more to the story than she was letting on—and I would find out. But not right now.
Ignoring her, I walked up to Nick and
placed my hands on his shoulder, our love warming me on the insides the way it
always did when we touched. I looked into his eyes and smiled. “I’m sorry about
the plate, babe. And it’s gonna be a perfect dinner. You’ve worked hard all
day, and everything looks wonderful.”
“I have worked hard,” he said in a tiny
voice, almost a whine. His pathetic expression was so damn adorable I hugged
him at once. Resting his head on my shoulder, he melted into me with a sigh.
Caressing his broad back, I held him
close, loving the feel of his powerful body against mine. “I promise to behave,
okay? No eff-bombs, if I can help it. But if your cousin tells that joke about accidentally sitting on his hammer, I
can’t make any promises.”
He pulled back, the tension replaced
with a smile. “I love you, Jack.”
“Awww, I love you too, Nicky,” I said in
a simpering falsetto which couldn’t disguise the deep love I had for him.
I kissed him, slow and thorough, tasting
every delicious part of his mouth with my tongue. He moaned into me, hands
sliding along my back in a tender caress. My hands found their way to his ass
and I pulled our groins together. Nothing in the universe was better than sex
with the man I’d waited my whole life for, but our kiss was not sexual, not
really. Each touch and press of lips was laden with love and devotion—just like
the feast he’d prepared overflowed with love and butter. He’d worked hard to
pull all of this together and I would do my best to make sure it was a success.
He deserved that. To Nick, nothing was more important than being with those he
loved for the holidays.
Losing myself to the kiss and his
embrace, I was thankful to be one of the people he loved.
“Ugh!” Frieda cried. “Seriously, get a
Please leave your name, email and a
favorite Christmas character in the comment feed below to win one of the Naughty
North Pole books. The Christmas muse hit me too late to
write book six in the series, but I could always use some inspiration for next
year if there are forgotten Christmas characters you would love to hear about.
If you enjoy sexy, fun Christmas stories,
check out the complete series of Naughty
North Pole books at any reputable ebook seller.
Wadsworth might be a bestselling erotica author, but she leads a pretty vanilla
life in Ohio with her wonderful husband and a couple adorable cocker spaniels.
She has been spinning tales and penning stories since childhood, and her first
erotic novella was published in 2010. She has served multiple board positions
at her local RWA chapter and with Rainbow Romance Writers of America. When she
isn’t writing books or brainstorming with friends, you can find her making
people gorgeous in a beauty salon. She loves music and dancing, and can often
be seen hanging out on the sandbar in the muddy Maumee River or chilling with
her hubby and a cocktail in their basement bar. In between all that fun, Deanna
cherishes the quiet times when she can let her wildly active imagination have
the full run of her mind. Her fascination with people and the interworkings of
their relationships have always inspired her to write romance with spice and
love without boundaries.

Such a fun story, and I've got EVERYBODY HATES FRUITCAKE ready to read!
ReplyDeleteTrix, vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com
Well, darlin, I'm a little late checking in, but you were my only commenter, so which book would you like?