Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pulled Long for Best Taste

Men, coffee and sex... oh my!

In Pulled Long, D’Abo writes a beautiful tale of two people falling in love and walking that uneasy path of a new relationship. With a straight-forward story and easy-to-like but complex characters, Pulled Long is a touching love story featuring Ian, the brother of the past two heroines.

I couldn’t wait to read Ian’s story after meeting him and “Blue Eyes” in the first two books of this series. There were fun glimpses into their story that captured readers and had us holding on to witness their HEA. And just as I expected, this third book is easily the best. But also note this book ventured into the m/m forum, making it unique from the other books in D’Abo’s Long Shot series.

For months, Ian has fantasized about a customer he knows only as "Blue Eyes." But when he learns “Blue Eyes” is in the middle of a divorce, Ian fears being the rebound experiment of a straight guy. With a ton of baggage, guilt over past mistakes and a near-certainty that everyone he loves ends up hurt, Ian shies away from him and it seems as if the man is only meant to be a memory. Until one evening – one lustful encounter - and now Ian can’t stay away from Jeff. After Ian invites him into the café he owns in the wee hours of the night, they indulge in a little exhibitionist play (hot scene alert – I think I blushed!).

Now knowing their chemistry is off the charts, the men go on their first date. Dinner turns into an erotic encounter at Mavericks, the sex club Ian’s sisters both belong to.  Another hot scene for the reader as Ian realizes Jeff satisfies his every desire – all through a fun game of truth or dare. Jeff is clear he's interested in more than just sex but Ian continues to push him away. While Ian is open with his homosexuality, he’s scared Jeff is only playing at being gay and someday Ian will simply be tossed aside for a woman. (Again.)

D’Abo does an excellent job of taking the reader along for Ian’s journey of self-acceptance as he deals with his fears and comes to trust in himself and Jeff. And I would be remiss not to mention just how absolutely fabulous Jeff is. He is the ultimate romance hero – it melted my heart how he never gave up on Ian. He simply wouldn’t go away even if it meant only keeping tabs on Ian through his sisters. That dedication was just what Ian needed.

Though heavy on the sex scenes (no complaints here!), this book is also bursting with an emotional story of two men falling in love – and one man overcoming his insecurities to free himself to accept that love. D'Abo wrote this story with such depth that I felt as if I had known her characters forever. Her simple storytelling of a complex character within the parameters of a short story is genius. And to leave readers with a feeling of happiness is always a plus. Can’t wait to read more of her books…

RATING: 5 Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries. With an Espresso on the side.

This book was given to us through NetGalley. Many thanks.


  1. oh, I love your rating scale! This sounds great, I think I'll add it to my wish list.

  2. What a fantastic review. I loved this book too, but you stated it all so perfectly! smiles...


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