The Indulgent Bloggers got to interview the Phases authors *fan-girl
eeek* - Abigail Barnette, Cheryl Dragon, Bronwyn Green, Kris Norris, Brynn
Paulin and Mia Watts – to share with you some of their author insight in today’s
post. We’ve loved them each in their separate endeavors but putting them all
together in this series was a genius idea. Indulge in the series with us but
first read their interview.
CLICK ON THE LINK to the right to FOLLOW US. Then leave a comment telling us what your guilty indulgence is or even just leave a question for the authors. They’ll be answering during the week and then at the end, we’ll draw one LUCKY WINNER to receive a copy of EVERY PHASES BOOK (that's all 12 books!) as a prize.
Bronwyn: Yep. Each book has its own soundtrack, but I’m
especially fond of Celtic folk, gypsy music and a lot of indie artists.
Brynn: It's when the stories and bits of dialogue appear in
your head. For me it's usually when I'm driving.
Cheryl: Figure out what you do well and focus on it.
That can be the hardest part but once you figure it out, you're a lot closer to
Bronwyn: Originally, when I started publishing, my kids were
a lot younger and went to a super conservative school and I wanted to keep my
personal life and my professional life somewhat separate.
Cheryl: Romantic Times Convention, 2011 in L.A....someone
saw my badge and said "It's Cheryl Dragon...I just read you!" She was
so excited! Writing is so solitary that those moments are amazing!
Cheryl: Winter because my allergies love it. I prefer to be
cold rather than hot. Plus, I can stay inside and write--no guilt about good
Bronwyn: There are so, so many – Coke, Salt and Vinegar
Chips, Starbucks, Pinterest, Etsy…the list is pretty endless, so I’ll stop
The remainder of our week here at the Guilty Indulgence Review Site (January 2-7th), we will be reviewing the 12 books in the Phases series.CONTEST ALERT!!
CLICK ON THE LINK to the right to FOLLOW US. Then leave a comment telling us what your guilty indulgence is or even just leave a question for the authors. They’ll be answering during the week and then at the end, we’ll draw one LUCKY WINNER to receive a copy of EVERY PHASES BOOK (that's all 12 books!) as a prize.
GI: What are your
must-haves when writing a romance?
Kris: Besides lots of tension and steamy love scenes, I
really want the relationship to drive the plot…and let’s not forget that happy
Abigail: My computer. I'm low maintenance. I don't need
chocolate or pictures of sexy guys. Those are helpful, but not must-haves.
Cheryl: Hazelnut Coffee and my barebones outline....I
guess my laptop too but I've been known to write with pen and paper when
Brynn: A computer, a pen and a notebook.
Bronwyn: My computer, something vaguely resembling a plot,
something to drink (tea, coffee or coke) and most important, a deadline.
GI: What/ who
inspires you?
Cheryl: (Looks around at other authors) This group is pretty
inspiring as well as motivational.
Kris: Life experiences are the best inspiration. Taking a
simple occurrence and turning it into the premise of a book is very satisfying.
Brynn: Nature and historical places.
Mia: It comes from different places: A photo, a comment,
something I saw while driving, etc.
Abigail: Honestly? Hot guys.
Bronwyn: Pretty much anything, a song, a picture, nature, a
dream, a snippet of dialogue, a conversation, and okay, I’ll fess up too with
Abigail… hot guys.
GI: Do you listen to
certain music when you write?

Brynn: I have a compilation of instrumental pieces from the
Twilight movies that I call TwiFavs. It's a perfect background.
Cheryl: I don't do music. I'll get too into the
music and forget about the writing. I'm more of a white noise girl...TV works.
Kris: I prefer quiet too, though with three kids and five
pets that’s usually not the case. And trust me, no one wants to hear me sing.
Mia: I agree. No music.
Abigail: I actually listen to ASMR videos on Youtube while I
write. Basically, a lot of clicking, scratching, scraping noises that get the
brain tingling.
GI: Where do your
characters come from?
Kris: Some are people I’ve met, others are people I’d like
to meet. And some just live in my head.
Mia: My brain. Sometimes Italy, but mostly my brain.
Abigail: If I knew, my job would be so much easier! I have a
theory that writing is more like archaeology than building. The story is there,
you just have to get out your little tools, your tiny hammer and brush, and you
chip away until you find the story, rather than starting with two bricks and
putting them together. But I have no idea where the pieces come from.
Brynn: Venus and Mars :-)
Cheryl: A magical place that can flood my brain without
any warning and yet I can never find it when I want to. Call it Oz,
Wonderland, the muse or a touch of insanity. I like it there!
Bronwyn: Honestly? Mine come from the same places as I get
the rest of my inspiration. The hero of Handcuffs and Lies popped into my head
after a bit of overheard conversation.
GI: Can you explain
what authors mean when they say "the characters talk to me"?

Kris: Basically, you feel as if you’re a bit crazy because
the story starts playing in your mind, with authentic voices for the different
characters. Kind of like your own audio book or the movie Night at the Museum
where everything comes to life.
Bronwyn: I don’t necessarily think they talk to me – more
like talk to each other… in my head.
Mia: I get a sense of them and who they are before I ever
start typing.
Cheryl: They're real to us. Just like having a ton of
imaginary friends. You're in charge of their happily ever after, but if you
make them do something that isn't in their're in for trouble.
Abigail: I'm not a fan of proclaiming that I hear voices.
I've always found that to be kind of a trite way of explaining inspiration.
GI: Any tips for
aspiring authors?

Brynn: Don't quit, read a lot and make sure to self-edit
before submitting books.
Abigail: Finish one manuscript. Just finish one, and the
hard part is over, it's all downhill from there.
Bronwyn: Never give up and finish the projects you start. We
all tend to have more ideas than time, but until you’ve sold a few stories it’s
nearly impossible to sell something on proposal.
Mia: Never stop writing, no matter what the nay-sayers tell
Kris: Ditto. Never give up, never surrender…and grow a thick
GI: Do you use pen
names? If so, why?

Mia: Yes, me too. Actually I'm in witness protection. Almost
for real.
Abigail: I write as Jennifer
Armintrout, which is my actual name, and as Abigail Barnette. I use two
different names to indicate that the material you're getting is a different
Cheryl: Yes, my real last name is hard to spell and
pronounce. You want to make it easy for the reader to find and remember you.
Kris: Nope. Haven’t seen a need for one yet.
Brynn: I’ve needed to
use one for "church" reasons ;-)
GI: Share your best
author moment.

Kris: It’s a tie…the day of my first ever release and the
day I first held one of my books in my hand.
Mia: Meeting an author who didn't know I was me and hearing
her swoon about me for an hour. :D
Bronwyn: Honestly, I think it happens pretty much anytime I
get a note from a reader or meet them at conferences. I’m super easy like that.
Abigail: When I got my very first royalty check, I opened
the envelope on the way up the driveway from the mailbox. I read the amount on
the check and fell to my knees, right in the driveway. My husband came running
out because he thought it was bad news!
Brynn: The best moments are always when I meet readers at
conferences and they're excited about my books. I love meeting readers.
GI: What is your
favorite season? Why?
Kris: To quote a song…summer…where every single moment is
worth its weight in gold…summer it’s like the world’s best story and it’s
waiting to be told…
Abigail: I like summer too because I don't have to wear
shoes. And I don't. I'm basically a hobbit.
Mia: Fall. Leaves, baby, leaves… and crisp chill.
Brynn: I like Fall too. It's the end of humidity! (and
really pretty too).
Bronwyn: I’m torn – it’s a toss-up between autumn and
spring. I love the changing colors and the crisp, cool air, but I also love
sights and smells of the earth coming back to life after being frozen all
GI: Do you like to
read as much as write?
Cheryl: Yes, I only wish I could spend that much time
Kris: I love to read and squeeze it in whenever possible.
Brynn: Me too. I love to read. I wish I could read as much
as I write!!
Bronwyn: I do too, but I don’t get as much of a chance as
I’d like unfortunately.
Abigail: I don't read as much as other authors, I think. I'm
dyslexic, and reading is a real struggle. I do enjoy it, though, but I feel
like a fraud when this question gets asked!
GI: Who are some of
your favorite authors?
Cheryl: That'd take up way too much room. I love mysteries
and paranormals on top of romances. So on my Kindle you'd find a mix of
cross-genre stuff.
Kris: Non-romance, hands down…Stephen King, Eoin Colfer,
Rick Riordan. For romance…the ladies interviewing with me top the list:) Also,
Tielle St. Claire and Lora Leigh.
Abigail: Herman Melville, Tolkien, Robyn Carr, Jim Butcher,
Gena Showalter, Terry Pratchett, and George R.R. Martin…
Mia: I'm on this post with most of them. They rock.
Bronwyn: Well, besides this lot (awesome authors, all) I
also love Maggie Steifvater, Charles deLint, Becca Fitzpatrick, Suzanne
Brockmann and Suzanne Collins.
GI: What is your
guilty indulgence?

Cheryl: TV, chocolate, Diet Coke with Lime, Red Wines and my
Keurig that makes me any kind of coffee or tea I want. I've got a lot of these.
Kris: Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate… oh, and diet
coke, though that’s more of an obsession.
Mia: Netflix. I'm a documentary whore.
Brynn: Wearing my pajamas until noon some days.
Abigail: I'm never guilty about my indulgences. Life is too
short for guilt.
Wishing you All a very Happy New Year to you & yours!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post and interview with so many wonderful authors....*S* Thank you for sharing so much about your writing with us. I am in awe off all the talent. ***sighing**
The covers are perhaps the most beautiful I've ever seen...breath taking to say the least.
I have all of these delightful hot books on my gotta have list, and I know that I'm going to love every one of
My guilty pleasure are the books I love and read and collect like treasures. I love my wine cheese, White Stilton with Mango and Ginger cheese, chocolate and iced green tea with honey and orange..and my Mango Gatorade of all
All may sound odd for guilty pleasures, but when you live in the interior of Alaska...even some of these things are hard to get my hands on...especially the the mango & ginger cheese. And would you believe the Mango Gatorade? LOL
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway, and for posting all these great book to add to my gotta have list...*S*
Already a Follower...*S*
Oops. Didn't post the whole comment. Trying again:
ReplyDeleteFrom Bookfan747 (Twitter) Great interview, ladies! Glad to learn a bit more about all of you. I've read books by most of you which I've really enjoyed. I hope to read more in 2012 and also by those I've yet to read. Wishing you all a prosperous year.
Happy New Year Darcy! The covers are by Les Byerley. He's amazing and does most of my other covers too.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Brynn...*S* Love all your covers, and they fit so well with the stories too. Looking forward to reading the rest of your books...*S*
ReplyDeleteThank you!
pommawolf @
Thanks for having us! I feel famous, like when bands do interviews for Rolling Stone or something.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness it was an internet interview because it may have resembled a band concert when the fans go all fan-girl crazy!?!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Everyone!
ReplyDelete@Darcy - Now I have a huge craving for wine and cheese! :)
@Ndulgent Bloggers - Thanks for having us here! :D
First Happy New Year to all of you! Second OMG, what a fabulous giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy guilty pleasure besides books would probably be sweet tea and lasagna! And I only feel guilty about them when the DH mentions that I want to lose weight. Oh well, some things I just can't give up. :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJoAnna, Happy New Year to you too! :)
ReplyDeleteDarcy, Les does a great job. He doesn't use stock photography like other cover artists. He shoots his own models and does each cover specific to the book. This series of covers was especially beautiful.
NDulgent, Thank you so much for having us! I've never been a part of an interview group this big. What a blast.
Phuong, You rock. I know I keep saying it, but your enthusiasm is a huge reason why authors get excited about writing. Thank you.
Fellow authors, this was so much fun! Thank you for your awesome skills in this series. Aren't we glad the angst is over?! LOL.
Hope you all had a Happy New Year!!!
ReplyDeleteGuilty pleasures are peppermint ice cream with hot fudge and massages :) Both I need to have more
Loved the interview with everyone.
Happy New Year!!!I can't believe there are twelve books in the Phases series!!! What a great giveaway. My indulgences are ice cream, buying books and reading. Great interview everyone.
To all our Phases authors - you all are rockstars to readers like me! (I even lived in L.A. and London where I saw rockstars and actors everyday - nothin....not a sigh - but you girl squeeeees!!!!!!)
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you do - keep your muses well fed and inspired to bring us more delights to feed our guilty indulgence!!!!
Great interview. I really enjoyed it. I have read one book of the Phases series-Summer Surrender Sun Moon by Bronwyn. I loved it, I would love to read the rest in this collection.
ReplyDeleteMy guilty indulgences include books, chocolate, really good tea, and of course shows and purses.
thank you everyone for sharing some of yourself with your readers!
areeths at new dot rr dot com
What a great interview! I have things in common with everyone, which is awesomely kewl to me! My guilty indulgence is reading menage-especially about shapeshifters! I am completely wrapped around Bronwyn's Yooper menages-you did know that she invented the genre, didn't you? LOL! Happy New Year to everyone!
ReplyDeleteBy the way Mia - we pronounce whore as wah-hore and are proud to be wah-hores of many varieties...books (Tyra),coffee (Rebecca),shoes (Kim),fine wine (Cat) and eye candy(me...hee hee)....Netflix is a FINE guilty indulgence and I totally agree with Ms. Abigail that life is too short to be truly guilty about any of those indulgences! You are all amazing! Cheers to your new year!