Dragon Kin #7
The trouble with humans is that they're far too sensitive. Forget you put a woman in the local jail for a few months--and she takes it so personally! And yet she is the one trying to assassinate the queen. And now I'm trapped with Elina Shestakova of the Black Bear Riders of the Midnight…gods! That endless name!
But what am I to do? I am Celyn the Charming with direct orders from my queen to protect this unforgiving female.
Even more shocking, this unforgiving female is completely unimpressed by me. How is that even possible? But I know what I want and, for the moment, I want her. And I'm sure that she, like all females, will learn to adore me. How could she not when I am just so damn charming?
The Dragon Are Back, The Dragons Are Back!!!
After a 2 year hiatus Aiken is back and it's like she never left. I for one have missed the Cadwaladr Clan and all of their kin.
Best name for a character EVER!!! Elina Shestakova of the Black Bear Riders of the Midnight Mountains of Despair in the Far Reaches of the Steppes of the Outerplains. How could you not love that name!! Well of course if you are a dragon you don't have time to stand around listening to that mouthful especially since the woman is there to kill your Queen. So Celyn does what his Queen commands and puts the human female in prison. Of course he mocks her terribly before he does this and then promptly forgets about her....for eight months!
Elina knew this mission was a death sentence but figured this was as good a way to die as any. She doesn't exactly have a death wish, but her life with her tribe isn't really worth fighting for. So when the dragon Queen Rhiannon and crazy human Queen Annwyl the Bloody ask her to return to her tribe and arrange a meeting to talk about making an alliance she feels like she finally has a purpose. Then they ask that dimwit male dragon that threw her in prison to accompany her.
Celyn is always a loyal dragon who does what his Queen commands but this is going to far. He has to travel to the Steppes with the insulting female with the never ending name. Seriously, the things he has to do for family.
Well of course since this is a Dragon Kin book much hilarity, fighting and sex ensues and a good time is had by all....ok maybe not by all, but the people...err dragons that you care about have a great time. There are several different story lines running through out the book that if not tied up, set up the next book and leave you wanting more.
All of your favorites are back and sniping at each other in the way that only family can. The kids are growing up fast and really coming into their powers, and not just the twins and Rhianwen but all of the half dragon children. I think my new favorites and Dagmar and Gwenvael's children. They are going to have their hands full with that brood.
This series has never missed a step and I for one hope it continues for years and years, just a little closer between books.
RATING: 5 Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries. This book was given to us by Netgalley. Many thanks.

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